3 Reasons Why Coaches Are So Optimistic

There were many times over the course of the last 10 years (and still are times) that I have found myself reading social media posts, books, articles, etc., that pour out endless amounts of positivity. Go figure I've coached myself through these thoughts/mental consumptions and I started to notice one of two things happening:

  1. I found myself resonating with the positivity feeling encouraged, uplifted, and motivated

  2. I would be extremely negative toward it… thinking things like, “How the hell are these people always this optimistic and happy?”. 

On my own journey of self-development, usually naked in the morning with my coffee (yes, I said naked), I have started to understand why coaches always seem to be so optimistic and self-confident. 

  1. They Spend Time Alone with Their Thoughts

    More often than not, coaches, whether they are personal trainers, life coaches, consultants, etc., spend a majority of their time building their own businesses. This means they have had to work through the lack of confidence, struggle of not knowing what to do next or not knowing how to do something at all, and the fear of what others will think. That last one… the fear of what others will think… can be the most paralyzing of all. Through spending time alone with their thoughts, it develops a sense of self that no one else can give them. They know who they are, what they want, and they have worked through the real reasons holding them back. 

  2. They’re Not Afraid to Admit When They Don’t Know

    I have a strong feeling I’m not alone when I say I often carry a self-created expectation that I have to know all the things so that people take me seriously. Reality Check- I tend to respect people more when they admit they don’t know rather than feeding me lies or fluff to appear as if they have all the answers (most of the time coming across as a know-it-all). Rather than carry the constant pressure to be perfect and ever knowledgeable, I have noticed many coaches have gained enough self-actualization to understand not knowing doesn’t make you any less adequate as a coach. In reality, it makes them a stronger coach because they will typically find resources that best solve the mystery. 

  3. They are Following Their Passion

    Correct me if I’m wrong but most people that identify as some sort of coach typically have a strong passion for helping others. When you have the courage and perseverance to pursue a passion of helping others there isn’t much else that compares. When you feel the breakthrough happen with the client that couldn’t figure out why they were so unhappy, or the client who couldn’t figure out why their business wasn’t growing, or the client that couldn’t do a push-up but now busts out 10 with ease, the optimism is contagious! Think of it this way… if you hear a baby uncontrollably laughing you can’t help but laugh as well. The same concept applies here. 

If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ve found yourself in both of the two “states” mentioned in the beginning of this post. Optimism either resonates or pisses you off. Your current level of self-actualization plays a large role in what mental state comes through during these moments. If you are able to identify what is holding you back from achieving the “next level”, I bet you fall in the encouraged, uplifted, and motivated category. If you’re feeling frustrated, angry, or directionless, I’d bet you’re thinking to yourself, “How the hell are these people always this optimistic and happy?”.

If you’re ready to take your life seriously and truly gain clarity on your journey to self-actualization, check out my coaching services here.


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